Amateur Radio Association of Lanka


You are requested to carefully read the Guidelines prior to making an application for an Amateur Radio License

  • Any person desirous of obtaining a license to use a radio frequency or radio frequency emitting apparatus for Amateur Radio shall make an application to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”) in the form provided for such purpose.
  • The applicant making an application to the Commission shall satisfy the following: –
    • Be over sixteen years of age,
    • Be technically competent to operate an Amateur Radio Station
    • Has passed the written examination and the practical Morse Code test conducted by the Commission.
  • The types of licenses issued by the Commission for Amateur Radio are:
    • A Novice Class Amateur Licence; or
    • A General Class Amateur Licence ; or
    • An Advanced Class Amateur Licence.
  • An applicant for an Amateur Radio license (local) can make an application either for a period of one year or 5 years.
  • A foreigner who holds a license to operate an amateur radio station shall be issued a license to operate an amateur radio station while in Sri Lanka. The category of the license to be issued shall be based on the license held by him.
  • Foreign applicants can apply for the period of stay in Sri Lanka not exceeding one year.
  • If the licensee wishes to continue to use the Amateur Radio Station, the Licensee is required to make an application for renewal 30 days prior to the expiry of the license.
  • Use of an Amateur Radio Station without a license is an offense and punishable under the Act
  • The Commission shall issue a license to the applicant after considering the particulars set out in the application and on payment of the fee as per the Amateur Radio license Fees Rules Gazetted by the Commission from time to time.
  • The Commission may renew the license for another period on the application made by the licensee. Application for renewal shall be made in the form provided for such purpose by the Commission.
  • An organization registered with the Government which has as its objects, radio investigation or research or the training of persons in radio communication techniques may be granted a license to operate a radio station in the amateur radio service, subject to the following conditions: –
    • (If the Commission is satisfied that the organization is a teaching institution recognized by the government and a bona fide organization with the above-mentioned objects.
    • A person nominated by the organization and approved by the Commission shall be responsible for the security of the equipment and the proper operation of the station;
    • The station shall be operated by or in the presence of a person holding a current amateur radio licence issued under these regulations subject to the conditions of such license and of the license issued to the station. For the purpose of this paragraph, an organization shall include a school, college, institute or association.
  • The Commission may grant approval to an Associations to which a license has been granted to operate a repeater/translator or beacon installations.
    • The repeater/translator or beacon communications approved under paragraph shall be freely accessible to all persons who hold a license to operate an amateur radio station.
    • In the event of any interference caused to other communication services/or stations, the Commission shall order to terminate the operation of such equipment.
  • The radio frequencies set out in the schedule are allocated by the Commission for the use Amateur Radio Novice/General and advanced. The Commission may change these allocations in keeping with the international obligations made to International Telecommunications Union


The Commission shall mean the “Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka established under the Sri Lanka Telecommunications (Amendment) Act No 27 of 1996

[Source: Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka]